Friday, May 16, 2008

"Things I Wish I Had Done First" Picture Chronicles #2

Every now and then a good idea comes along and I just have to admit it. Like ... okay, instead of purchasing screens for every window in your house ... why not just cover the whole darn thing with one big sack-like screen? What's the down side? You say, "Hey, I have a big house!" No problem! If it works at this place ... it will most certainly work for you. Just buy the special "Sears Tower" size!

And if you really buy the premium design I'll bet you can even zip your house to the ground...

(Special added bonus. Feeling a little suicidal? Well, it ain't happening in your newly screened in home! The kids can actually amuse themselves for hours by bouncing on their beds and then diving out the window!)


Anonymous said...

um, really. what's the purpose?

Ron said...

Actually, I think the purpose is simply to screen in the building. That's about all I can figure. It was like that all winter so it's obviously not a construction thing.

Anonymous said...

The building is crumbling and pieces are falling off that is the reason for the screen. It used to be a hotel but now it sits empty.