Friday, April 13, 2007

Legally binding disclaimer

I just thought it might be worth it to mention that ...

"No children were injured or abused in the creation of this weeks blogs. No children were mocked or laughed at ... to their knowledge. No childen were denied the right to use the restroom, wash their hands, eat their lunch, or sharpen their pencil. No children were photographed, touched, interrogated, emotionally tortured or handcuffed. Only the substitute teacher was harmed and he's tough enough to take it."

It is now 11:01pm and I have 3 ... count 'em THREE ... Tylenol PM's coursing through my bloodstream. I expect to be in a legally drugged stupor until at least 10:00am tomorrow. (Don't even think about calling me.) I plan on dreaming of white sand beaches and puffy white clouds floating across cobalt blue skies. In reality I'll probably wake up around 3:00am and stare at the ceiling fan because I ate enough enchilada's and tamale's tonight to keep Mexico City happy for a week. It was my edible victory dance.

Ethyl, put your hat on ... this one's comin in! (That's for you, Scotty.)


Anonymous said...

Render unto Caesar, What is Caesar's!

Meg McCormick said...

THREE TPM's at the same time? At 11pm? Let's see, that was Friday; are you over your hangover yet? I know I wouldn't be. Eating 'em like Skittles, you are. Hope they did the trick... and you were able to function in a semi-normal state at some point on Saturday.

Did they teach you the clapping trick? And "One two three, eyes on me" (with children reflexively responding, ONE TWO EYES ON YOU)? All good stuff for maintaining control of large groups of little kiddos...